Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, August 29, 2009

... ode to the tricycle...

my kids are 5 and 6 years old. they are WAY too old for a tricycle, yet i haven't been up to getting rid of this trike. sara absolutely loved her care bears tricycle, and even just a few months back she was still choosing to ride this in our cul-de-sac. she learned to ride a bike without training wheels about a month ago, and so i'm sure she won't be riding the care bear trike anymore.
here's the thing-- i want to keep it! it has years of memories for us, and even though it is ragged and ripped, and only has one handle left, i can hardly bear getting rid of it-- sentimental value and all... anyway, steve won and he got to throw it away.
boo. :(

final pictures of our trike. RIP.


AtlantaMama said...

awe! i understand... it can be the things like that that remind me that my little man is so not a baby anymore and it makes want to SLOW life down... but these pics are funny... because Steve looks very happy that he won! I hope Sarah is feeling better.

Unknown said...

Frankly I find that cruel. She didn't even get like a ceremony or something - like when you give your pacifier to the binky-fairy or throw it up to the stars where all of the other blinky-binkies are?

Ooh, even better. Steve should have waited until Sarah did something really super bad and then said, "I'm gonna throw away your bear trike!" SLAM
"Now maybe you'll think twice before you to that again!"

L said...

LOVE the bumper sticker.

Lora said...

that picture of steve throwing it out is so funny!

Tom Pepper said...

It’s a Trendy Kids Tricycle with a Stable Design. It’s Easy to Grip Handles and Wide Balanced Wheels Ensure a Smooth Ride. It has Wide and Balanced Tyres for more Safety